Short CV

The topics of many of my works arise from my interest in everyday phenomena and nature, not just beautiful scenes but also ecological issues. I have also been involved in projects in which the music communicates with other artistic genres such as acrobatics, documentary, video or installation. My works has been performed by, among others, Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, BBC Philharmonic, The Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra, the ICE ensemble, defunensemble, CHANGEnsemble, Ostrobothnian Chamber Orchestra, Norrbotten NEO, Tapiola Sinfonietta, Kamus Quartet, Oulu Sinfonia, Zagros, Tampere Raw, Tampere Chamber Opera and Uusinta Ensemble. I am currently working on my doctorate at the Sibelius Academy of the University of Arts in Helsinki and am the artistic director of Tampere Biennale Festival 2024–26. 

My kinetic opera Alma! was nominated for the Nordic Council Music Prize 2022 and Teosto Prize 2022 and my string quartet …and we are rotating with it won the Teosto Prize 2024.

I host Tampere Filharmonic Orchestra´s monthly chamber music concert Afternoon of the Fauns and work as a part-time teacher in composition and composition pedagogy at the University of the Arts Sibelius Academy and Pirkanmaa Music institute. I also write columns about music for Rondo Magazine.

At present I am working on a working grant from Finnish Cultural Foundation.

Links – read or hear more

Nordic Council Music Prize  podcast by Andrew Mellor 10/22

Art is not an escape from reality. It's for understanding the world more profoundly. And for me, opera is one of the best artforms for it, whether as a listener or a composer.

Column in FMQ 12/18

In Finnish:

Podcast by Teosto with Pasi Kostiainen 11/22

Säveltäminen on arjessa kohdattujen asioiden prosessointia

Säveltäminen inhimillisten kokemusten peilinä -blogikirjoitus (muokattu puheenvuoro Suomen Säveltäjien seminaarissa 8.4.2022):

Blogikirjoitus Alma!-liikeoopperasta: Alukseni on satamassa mutta vuotaa

Kulttuuritoimituksen Kikka Holmbergin haastattelu 2017:



Studies at the Sibelius Academy

Doctoral studies (ongoing)

Master of Music 2011.

Bachelor of Music 2007.

Studies with professor Veli-Matti Puumala 2005-2011.

Studies with senior lecturer Eero Hämeenniemi 2004-2005.


Diploma in Composition at Sibelius-Academy (excellent mark) 2011.

Degree in Composition at the Pirkanmaa University of Applied Sciences (excellent mark) 2008.

Music pedagogy (main subject: music theory) at the Pirkanmaa University of Applied Sciences (final thesis: excellent mark) 2002.

Other studies

Carnatic music studies at the Brhaddhvani Music Academy in Chennai, India 2006-2007.

Teacher Education Program 60 credits 2006.

Degree in Music pedagogy at the Pirkanmaa University of Applied Sciences, Tampere 2002.

Studies at the Napier University, Edinburgh 2000.

Masterclasses with e.g. Kaija Saariaho, Jose María Sánchez-Verdú, Adriana Hölzky, Magnus Lindberg, Esa-Pekka Salonen.


Album release: Ostrobothnian Chamber Orchestra with conductor Tomas Djupsjöbacka and accordionist Antti Leinonen: work Vyöry/Avalanche

Album release: Lohja City Orchestra with conductor Jukka Untamala: work Kaarne

Monodrama Loved ones for soprano Hanna Rantala´s doctoral concert 2024. Libretto Milka Luhtaniemi. Director Riikka Oksanen, pianist Fanny Söderström, sound designer Maija Turunen.

Piano fanfare Imagination is the true fire for Tiina Karakorpi 2023 


Teaching composition in Pirkanmaa Music Institute since 2017.

The University of the Art Sibelius Academy: Teaching composition and composition pedagogy since 2019.

Tampere Biennale: Artistic director 2024-26.

Uuno Klami Composition Competition for young people 2022, member of the jury

Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra: hosting Faunien iltapäivä concert series at Tampere-talo; working in program committee.

Composition projects for young people: Primus motor in Finding my voice (Ääneni äärelle) 2016-2021; Equity in Composing (Yhdenvertaisesti säveltäen) 2019-2021; creating Opus 1 composition material bank in Society of Finnish composer´s working group 2016-2017; planning composition curriculum for Finnish music institutes in working group 2016-2019.

Rondo Magazine: Writing columns about being a composer since 2021.

Chairperson in The Finnish Music Foundation education committee 2019-22.

Board member of the Society of the Finnish Composers 2015-19.