Äiti–iäti/Once a mother, always a mother – radiophonic work

"A mother has to even if she couldn't bear it. She must stay awake even if she was tired. I don't constantly think of my grown-up children. But whenever there is some trouble in their lives, all kinds of thoughts start running through my mind. I suppose it'll be that way until the end of my life."
Minna Leinonen's and Mikko Järvinen's radiophonic work looks into different human destinies: lives of mothers in joy and in sorrow; experiences of giving birth, coping with alcoholism in your family; losing control of your mind; heritage of a grandmother; the meeting of different generations. Stanzas from Finnish national epic Kalevala bring their own flavor to the text which is about continuation and eternity of life.
Radiophonic work. Duration 31'06.
Fbp: Yle Radio 1, Finnish Broadcasting Company, 10st Sep 2012.
Commissioned by Finnish Broadcasting Company
Manuscript by Mikko Järvinen
Directed and composed by Minna Leinonen
Sound engineering by Jussi Suonikko
Produced by Heikki Valsta
Poems recited by Saara Pakkasvirta
Meeri Pulakka (soprano)
Helmi Laine (child soprano)
Zagros Ensemble: Hanna Kinnunen (fl), Lauri Sallinen (cl), Sami Koskela (perc), Jaana Kärkkäinen (pf), Hannu Vasara (vl), Sami Mäkelä (vcl)
Children's choir "Tinttaralla" of Central Helsinki Music Institute
cond. Sari Norja
The work was Finland's nominee in the Prix Italia contest 2012. It gained a top three position as well as position among recommended works by the jury.